We all know about 2020. It was the year we had to stay in our houses and quarantine as we were hit with a pandemic. It was also the year the unthinkable happened... I got an Instagram! No you do not understand, I have been resisting getting an Instagram for years! What did I need one for as the people I wanted to talk to had my number or my Facebook? My friends even created hashtags for me such such as #nicoleneedsinstagram or #coconeedsinstagram (have fun checking out those gems) and still I resisted. Until the pandemic. I got an IG (or as I like to say The Instagram) for the sole purpose of following small businesses during the pandemic as I found that is how many businesses were updating their hours. By doing so I found the first small business I would like to highlight:
I came across &Everlasting in November of 2020 after seeing their earrings on a coffee shop that I followed page. They were so simple and yet so pretty and I knew they would be the perfect gifts so I ordered some for my friends. I then noticed that the owner (also named Nicole so it was like destiny) was based in Fullerton so I reached out to see if I could just pick up instead of paying for shipping. She agreed and I promise you it was a full on vibe when we met! She was the absolute sweetest!

We stayed in contact and if you know me (I know some of y'all are just getting to know me) when I like/love something or someone, I tell everyone! Word of mouth should be my other nickname I swear. What has really impressed me about Nicole and her business is even though it is a young company, her attention to detail to both her jewelry and the overall packaging is amazing. She includes a thank you note and stickers with each package. Her branding is consistent across online orders to the various pop-ups she participates in. Her packaging stands out and I get excited every time a package comes in the mail!

In addition to clay earrings, &Everlasting sells gorgeous gold jewelry including earrings, necklaces and rings and some acrylic pieces as well. Her pieces are so versatile as they can go from day to night, classy to edgy, and there is a piece for all occasions. My favorite piece is my IDGAF necklace that I wear every day. It features one of my favorite words and just makes me incredibly happy.

I have had the pleasure and honor of working with Nicole and &Everlasting as both Director of Outreach and a model and it all started with Instagram. Unfortunately, due to work load I haven't been as involved as I would like but I take every opportunity I can to support because Nicole is just that amazing just like her products. So if you are in need of jewelry or looking for an amazing gift, please check out &Everlasting at www.andeverlasting.com find on Etsy or check out the Instagram (heck you may even see my face upon occasion). Happy Shopping!
