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I'll Be Your Groupie Baby - Summer of Music Continued


I have Usher stuck in my head as I type this. Literally "Bad Girl" and "Superstar" are battling it out in brain for supremacy. My gosh that show was amazing!

But before we get into that, there was another show I attended. I thought that August would be break. Like surely I can't go see someone every month this summer. Alas I was wrong! My friend hit me up and was like do you know who Lucky Daye is and I said girl duh! So we got tickets like a week before. You know sometimes I can be last minute so this should not surprise you. This next part will suprise you: I was humbled as I didn't know him as well as I thought I did! Usually I am at these shows singing every word with my entire heart. Not this time. Nope this time I sat there watching and absorbing as apparently I knew all of three or four songs. Whoops! We calling this one an enjoyable learning experience as Lucky put on a great show! Would definitely see him again and perhaps be able to sing along.

Now it is time for the main event. Back in February, yes February! I will sometimes make exceptions for my no planning far in advance rule and Mr. Usher Raymond IV is that exception. I have been wanting to see this man live since the 90s. I have been rockin' with him since he asked us to "just call me a mack, cuz I got it like that" because "all the time I think you" and then in '97 when me wanting to cheat on my imaginary boyfriend with "U Make Me Wanna"... look I can go on and on with these titles but I think you see where I am going with this. I have wanted to see him for a very long time! If you want to get technical, I did see him back in 2018 at the Smoke N Grooves festival but we were in the very very back and there weren't any stripper poles soooo I am not counting it.

That man put on a show! The singing, the dancing, the double level stage set-up, the strippers on the stripper poles, him playing with cherries and the audience. I just... I'm trying to write this and have no words. When that man smiled and those dimples came out, I melted. I so love a good smile and when the artists look like they are genuinely enjoying themselves. Swoon. He performed his early singles and then dived heavy into the hits off 8701 and Confessions. He did everything I think everyone wanted. My only wish is that he did Ruin off the new album or a couple of the songs off the new album. I know I am in the minority with that one and truthfully him performing "Think of U" and "Just Call Me a Mack" and that is how the started really made my entire night.

Summer is over and as we head into fall I am not sure what concerts are in store but you know I will keep you posted! What concerts did you go to this summer?

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