*Sings* Let's talk about ther-a-py, let's about me being me, let's talk about all the good things and the bad things, that may be, let's talk about it, let's dissect it, let's talk about it, let's dissect it.
Catchy huh, I just made it up but I feel as though Salt-N-Pepa should make that a jingle for Better Help and they can give me writing credit. Can someone make this happen? Message me and let's talk.
Now back to the topic at hand. Therapy. Yep, I am now someone that can say "well I told my therapist and they suggested." I love it! I had been thinking about talking to someone for a while. I mean yes I have friends that I can talk to and in recent years I started exercising as an outlet but y'all in 2023 I was miserable. Depressed, anxious, stress, feeling lonely and alone (yes those are two separate feelings), stuck, there is probably more but I think that is enough for now. The amount of tears that were shed last year could have watered a garden that filled a football field. Nothing was helping those feelings and it seemed as if everything was going wrong or piling up.
September I broke. After things ended with He Who Shall Not Be Named and finding out that not only was he in a public relationship but he lied about the timing, I saw an ad on Instagram for a discount off a Better Help membership and busted out the credit card and booked it, filled out the questionnaire, let them select a therapist, rejected that therapist and selected my own after screening the bios and reviews. It was the best decision I have made for myself in recent years.
Throughout this time, we have explored my trust and abandonment issues. Discussed tools that have helped ease my anxiety and depression. I have an outlet/unbiased person to talk to across all subjects. I have been encouraged out of a funk earlier this year. Pushed to really examine who I am, what I value, what I want and what I look for in others. Told not to settle for this bullshit. We have had sessions in which we have just discussed pop culture and sessions where we have discussed how losing my mom and the relationship with my family affects me. I have discovered new interests to help me relax such as coloring. I find myself wanting to be the best version of myself and knowing that it is enough.
One of my favorite podcasters is adamant in her belief that everyone needs some therapy and truthfully I agree. Having someone that is completely unbiased and with a different perspective to guide through good and bad times is invaluable. I do believe that it is something that you need to be ready for, it can not be forced as you need to be open to it. Also, finding the right therapists can be like dating, sometimes the first one is not the right fit. They are human and like with all humans, not everyone is going to mesh so if you try it out and you're like "Nope" perhaps it is just a sign to find someone else. In my opinion, it should be someone that you can open up to, that is supportive and encouraging, but also pushes you and helps you be better... see my dating analogy works.
We are coming up on a year that I have sought out therapy. Not every day is sunshine and rainbows but there are more days I’m smiling than before. I am thankful as I am not sure where or who I would be if I hadn't gotten help, I am just celebrating the fact that I did. Take care of yourselves my friends!